My muse returned in my dreams/nightmares... and I started to write again. I am so excited about this story, though the characters haven’t started speaking to me yet. I rather miss their constant clamor. It almost drowned out the tinnitus in my ears. LOL!
I need to have more dreams about this particular story. I think it has the potential to be my darkest story to date or a dark comedy of errors.
It’s almost hard to believe that the darkness has all but abandoned me. I am relatively happy despite my health. This may be why I haven’t been writing and when I do it lacks the darkness in my previous writing. There has to be a way to find a balance between the two.
Anyway I am excited that I have already started writing it. I don’t know if it will be a full piece or a flash fiction story, but I feel it has the potential to be at least a novella.
Good writing!
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