Sunday, April 3, 2011

Busy as a Bee!

Often, I feel as if I am flitting from one flower to the next. Why do I feel this way? Simple- writing is a full time job- that is if you want to improve and be recognized. I network at conferences, workshops, open mics and other writers gatherings. I sell my books and the Y-City Writers Forum's books at bookfairs and art festivals. In addition to these I help run the Y-City Writers Forum, write-ins and our open mics -to name but a few! Yesterday, I attended the Make Money Writing Seminar with Tiffany Colter, the Writing Career Coach. I met some new people, including a talented writer- June Harmon Betts and her fabulous daughter and granddaughters. Along with friends Summer Clark (who helped organize the event), Teresa Price, Cindy Sterling and Laura Moe. It was an enjoyable day. I think that whenever writers gather it makes for a fun filled time. In between writing and experimenting with writing styles, I keep myself busy with writing gatherings. This is the easy part. It's the marketing to potential readers that seems to be harder for me. That is why I blog, facebook, twitter, participate in readings, etc. Network and Marketing are the keywords... I am about to flit out to another writers gathering... Brunch with a few of my friends. Rita L. Smith

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