Friday, December 3, 2010

The Nano Blues

The post nano hype can be a big let down. You can keep up your spirits and your momentum in many different ways.

  1. Finish your story. Not everyone can finish their work in 50,000 words. Sometimes more are needed.
  2. Edit your manuscript- 2 to 4 pages a day
  3. Get together with other writers for write-ins. This will encourage you to continue to write. If you can't do this then set daily goals for yourself.
  4. Join a critique group, writing group or some other writing organization. You can do this online too! If you don't have a group in your area, start one.

For me I am trying to write every day on my other WIP (work in progress). The Y-City Writers' Forum has been a big help to me. A friend and I have invited other writers to join us for write-ins once a week. I am thinking seriously about getting the critique group going.

Even if I am not working on my novel, I try to write something every day. Yesterday, I wrote out my emotions about a friend who passed away. Today I am blogging and I will probably work on Hitching a Ride a bit too!

So even with the post nano blues it is possible to turn this wonderful experience into a model that works for you!

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