Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ignoring Main Projects

Oops, I have let my ferver for keeping up with a poem a day get in my way of writing my stories. I have decided to work on my stories today. Yes, I did write my poem for the day. However, if I find that I am ignoring TD and H4H, I will stop writing the poem a day.

I think that writing poems exercises the mind, even if they are no good. It does mean that I am at least producing on paper something. I need to write something daily, even if it is a journal entry or a blog entry. It keeps me in practice.

I have been trying to write some short stories based on my life. The Cup of Comfort has a contest for Military families which ends on the 15th of April. I have been trying to write a story based on being a Military Brat. So far, no luck, but I keep on trying. RS

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