I wrote this poem for a local contest in Vegas. It won, though I didn’t get to enjoy my prize at the Las Vegas Writers Conference. My muse is still with me though she has been drowned out by life.
Stay still the voices who want to silence us or suppress the truth. Though it is your right to protest, it is our right to tell the truth.
Freedom Cry
You shall not silence the press or put parameters on what we can report. The people deserve the truth. “We the people...” includes many views and we faithfully report what we witness.
You try to change the truths that we have witnessed by saying “fake news.” It matters not to you that people have witnessed and recorded what happened. If it does not agree with your world view, you call it fake news.
I am here as a witness to say, “We will not back down in the face of these attacks, though it will take great courage to speak out.”
It is becoming increasingly difficult for the masses to sort out fact from fiction. That is why an unbiased press is so important to our country. Freedom of the press is alive and the people demand the truth.
Everyone needs to speak out in protest of censorship. The USA is built on basic tenets that includes freedom of speech. If we lose this one right, how long before others follow.
Shout to the rooftops, across this vast land that we demand our freedoms. Stay true to our basic rights, fight if you must, but do so peacefully. Stand strong for freedom of speech.
By Rita L Trushaw
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