Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am developing some really good writing habits in trying to reach my goal of 50,000 words this month for NaNoWriMo. I sit down each morning after breakfast and letting the dogs in and out and write for two hours on my novel.

It is amazing what one can accomplish when on a schedule. This month has been a little tight with the conference at the begining of the month and me being sick this past weekend, but I am making progress and I am further than I have ever gotten on any of my other starts and I see an end in site.

I am behind where I would like to be. I have 21,000 words thus far, I had wanted to be at about 30,000 by now.

I have been writing everyday on the same story and that is a first for me. I know I'll have alot of revisions to make when I reach my 50,000 word goal, but it is a good start. I will finish Full Moon even if I am still completing it next month.

I am taking to heart some of what I learned at the conference. I am making a schedule and sticking to it. Okay, so maybe it's not as rigid as some, but for me it is a beginning.

Here is how I have my day scheduled.
  1. Let dogs in and out, while eating breakfast and checking emails.
  2. Write for 2 hours on my novel.
  3. Critique and write flash fiction.
  4. Relax- do something I enjoy like read or watch t.v.
  5. Take nap. I need to nap most days, because of migraines. It is preventative and refreshing.
  6. Lunch
  7. Blog or work on website.
  8. Spend time with hubby.
  9. Dinner.
  10. Rehearsal or writers groups. (Rehearsal will be over the first week of December.)
  11. Watch t.v.
  12. Go to bed.

This schedule is flexible and I am able to schedule in appointments and such as I need them. The only thing that has been changing much is that I get up and work on my novel most days.

I hope this helps you. If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to respond.

Your assignment for today. Create a definition for the word verification nonsense word in the comment box and write a sentence using it.

1 comment:

Paul Bernard Baker said...


I noticed you were a follower of my Daily Tale blog.
Just to let you know, I am currently blogging my stories on this address:
Hope you'll stop by.
